All this security stuff is getting to be a drag. Used to be you could photocopy a document such as a birth certificate and mail it or present it when filing for some other government stuff. Now thay make you buy additional "originals" often at more than $10 a pop, just to stick in a file cabinet. Like it is all computerized so why not just send a "fetch" RPC call to the other government agency requesting the file be transmitted? Anything to squeeze another buck out of us.
Drifting a little off topic, I wanna go slightly less vicious and say one of my emerging top new phrases of the year is the difference between malice and chaos.
I like DC because if *I* am the "dumbest one here" y'all only get scarier after that!
So then "regular people" have to feed their families too, but can only absorb so much training, also filtered (for different mixes of cost and ability-of-rep reasons) in layers and they just don't notice things like their printed provider manual is two years out of date. Sometimes they're giving it all, and to quote Cpt Stottlemeyer of Monk, "I look at what he looks at, and I *just don't SEE* the things he sees."
Life is just more complicated than just the snarky "bastards saving money". I had a rep from WellCare NY Health Insurance do her damndest, and it "wasn't her fault" she was working for one of the only two of eight (Borg!) companies that don't offer a crucial mental health plan. It's info she should know, theoretically, but people just have their limits too.