I've been playing with the latest Screenshot captor beta. Looks very promising! a few comments/questions though...
1) Is the text scraper supposed to be working yet? I can't seem to figure it out. I've tried on maxthon & IE6 with little success; it seems to only capture the window title...
2) I tried it on a windows error message: again it scraped the dialog title, but not the error message text; It was captured, just not scraped.
3) Does the text box on the bottom of the capured object screen rerpresent the text which has been scraped? In other words, does copy text to clipboard do anything more than copy the text in this area?
4) I've tried the capture scroll function, with limited sucess. NOT a program bug; I'm just working with one hand and find it nearly impossible to hit ctrl-shift-click at the same time. Could there be an alternate way to make your capture choice, after having selected the window object? (like maybe a button or two added to the red box description panel??? - Dont know if thats even possible.. if not, maybe a multruple choice singlecharacter entry? llike 'hit "a" to capture window'; "b" to scroll/capture the window, etc????
5) fom my point of view, the scroll capture is less important than being able to scrape text from window dialogs, error messages, etc. Reason?: I dont really need a tool to copy/scrape text from a browser window cut and paste works just fine for that. For Y"'alls information, if capturing web pages or such is what you need to do there is an excellent program called evernote that does an excellent job of that. It's free and it allows you to capture an entiore page, or selected section with one mouse click.
However whjat I think is reaslly needfed is a way to error messages & dialogs, in text form so they can be included in error reports
without having to rersort to HTML or an attatcment, which many support groups disalow.
Well that's my five cents, for now at least, I'l report back when I have more. Keep up the great work
Best Regards,
Chuck Brotman