I've been using the scrolling capture feature today in pretty much fully manual mode to capture a scrolling window that's really, really uncooperative.
Brilliant. Utterly brilliant.

The last bit of margin setting, that lets me set the margins to exactly where I want them prior to the final assembly is particularly lovely, if a little slow when the desired edge is a long way in from the captured one.
So a suggestion and a related question: first, might it be possible to put a slow accelerator on the margin adjuster, so if it's held down for a while -- more than a couple of seconds, maybe? -- it speeds up a bit?
And the question: any possibility of adding a similar sort of manual margin edit mode to other images? (I use the freehand region capture frequently, almost always overcompensate by a bit, and the ability to remove the extra bit round the edges without the shaky-handed mouse-driven selection+crop routine would be useful, I think! (Or is it there already and I just haven't found it?
