Good Monday-
Im going to respond quick right now cause i have a flight to catch then i will re-read and see if I missed any answers to your questions. But first I would like to thank you for the quick initial replies.
1: It does not matter to me what browser (explorer chrome firefox). I have all of them and use each for situations that levy on their individual strengths.
2: I did expect that I would already have to have camtasia or similar program running. This would be set up on a dedicated computer so it wont have the clutter of any other inputs.
3: Even though this is a website that is being logged into it is a subscribed site with a pin and password.
Lets see if I can be more specific without making it worse. (And I do have a 10 min screen recording of running the process manually with HTTP live open so that it shows the incoming / outgoing requests) but here is an overview:
We have a financial adviser firm that works strictly with people who retire from AT&T Exxon Verizon and Merck. We have independent advisers across the country that work under our name. As part of an effort to make sure all advisers are being client orientated we have a followup system where we call our clients every couple months and ask them how they are enjoying retirement etc, while we get down to the question of has "joe adviser" been able to help you with everything and overall give you warm fuzzy feelings or did he invest you into a bunch of products that you dont understand and then stop answering your calls. (better never happen)
So one tool we use to contact these clients is called MOJO. It is a CRM / Dialer hybrid that isnt cheap but its a very efficient way to take the load of new clients and as they are called it connects them directly to a quality control rep who rates the call and pushes one of the buttons which sorts that client record into one of 4 buckets from good / happy with "joe adviser" he has everything under control no need to elevate, all the way down to: transfer call to a supervisor right now cause they are thinking of closing accounts. (again better never happen)
So to run this we have QC personnel log into and after entering credentials that webpage opens up to pretty standard CRM welcome page there it stays static except on the HTTP you can see the client record number changing as it calls the client. Once a client answers is when the screen changes to that clients record and the HTTP send a header saying something like "record 00283746 Live answer" then after the call when the rep pushes the button to sort the record there is a HTTP header sent saying "record 00283746 closed by agent contacted" which tells MOJO to dial the next record.
Not much of that needs to be messed with because it is handled by live agents. But what if the client says "Everything is good but I talked to "joe advisers" secretary 2x last week about a new beneficiary form and no one has called me back"...
So we then call "joe adviser" and he says its in the mail to the client and he left the client a VM but didnt hear back, but will call after the weekend to make sure he got the paperwork".. Well this isnt a housefire emergency and it sounds like everything is under control but since it is our financial firms name this adviser is working under its good for compliance reasons to have the confirmation from the client that all is good in the world. So lets say next week we try to follow up a couple times and maybe leave a voicemail but dont hear back from the client, they finally filter down into a survey bucket that isnt high priority cases but still cant quite be closed out.
(Deep breath) So this same MOJO system can also run the auto attendant survey that says "was your case handled to your satisfaction press 1" etc
Well undoubtedly there is always mr client who thinks that "press one" means enter your phone number and try pressing the # key 6X then yell at your dog to stop barking at the mailman. Instead of hanging up just set the phone down while you go upstairs and ask your wife if your satisfied or not, and lastly see the dog you were yelling at, forget what you were going to ask your wife and leave the phone off the hook for a week while wondering why no one likes you enough to ever call.
All jokes aside, this is where the need for some automation comes in. if MOJO forwards a clients record to the extension to handle "unknown errors" I need to be able see what record it was and hear if anything was going on. usually the error was that during the persons voicemail greeting there is a keytone (happens alot) and so MOJO gets confused about what to do or when some one presses 1# to say they were satisfied they actually press 11# etc etc. BUT MOJO WILL NEVER HANG UP....So on errors it will keep line tied up. So I want a quick audio / video sample and automatic termination of the line.
I think it can be boiled down to some simple parts if everything is on a dedicated computer that is always logged into the system and has camtasia already running.
1: When HTTP header string shows "live answer" in the string, press F10 to take camtasia off of pause
2: Wait for ____ seconds while recording
3: Press F9 to pause camtasia
4: Send header that says "unlock contact"
5: wait for next "live answer"
It does not need to be video just anyway to see what record it was. but I like the camtasia integration for 2 reasons:
1: it combines both the screen and audio recording with the press of 1 key (again if already running which it would be)
2: by pausing between events and having all in one long file I can review in the camtasia studio and see in the wave where any actual audio is and as I forward to that section the video follows in sync.
I hope I helped and didnt make things more confusing. Sorry for any format / grammar errors I have started and stopped this several times while moving through lines.
I am more then happy to compensate for anyone's time, and to the group as a whole for providing an outlet where someone can request and receive input and great end product from developers. Its alot more difficult then I expected to find / deal with the ones who can actually write whats needed. I wont post the quotes I got from software sales reps who all wanted to write new programs from ground up. Ouch!
Follow up....I think these should be the 2 HTTP interaction to Start camtasia and then one to tell MOJO to close and move on, However This was not a transfered call I had to initiate it in order to be able to know when it was going to happen. But from what I see / remember the only diff is the other says agent transfer in the strings but the short urls are the same.
https://app101.mojos.../dialer/live_answer/curl "
https://app101.mojos.../dialer/live_answer/" -H "Host:" -H "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:26.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/26.0" -H "Accept: */*" -H "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5" --compressed -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8" -H "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest" -H "Referer:
https://app101.mojos...?frame=/dial_list/1/" -H "Cookie: __utma=167056930.347717322.1433797123.1433797123.1433797123.1; __utmz=167056930.1433797123.1.1.utmcsr=google|utmccn=(organic)|utmcmd=organic|utmctr=(not"%"20provided); sessionid=04e7 58a42593cf4a2eb1bf038011ef84" -H "Connection: keep-alive" -H "Pragma: no-cache" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" --data "contact_id=123678&line_id=29"
https://app101.mojos...ajax/unlock_contact/curl "
https://app101.mojos...ajax/unlock_contact/" -H "Host:" -H "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:26.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/26.0" -H "Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01" -H "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5" --compressed -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8" -H "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest" -H "Referer:
https://app101.mojos...?frame=/dial_list/1/" -H "Cookie: __utma=167056930.347717322.1433797123.1433797123.1433797123.1; __utmz=167056930.1433797123.1.1.utmcsr=google|utmccn=(organic)|utmcmd=organic|utmctr=(not"%"20provided); sessionid=04e758a42593cf4a2eb1bf038011ef84" -H "Connection: keep-alive" -H "Pragma: no-cache" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" --data "contact_id=123678&line_id=-1&call_result=2&phone_id=134579&is_unlock=1&r=0.21513073083202972&duration=42&call_id=16540&profile_id=1&dial_session_history=607"
So Much For Making this a Quick Response.