Watch out for this fake paypal phising scam:
http://news.netcraft..._identity_theft.htmlWhen the victim visits the page, they are presented with a message that has been 'injected' onto the genuine PayPal site that says, "Your account is currently disabled because we think it has been accessed by a third party. You will now be redirected to Resolution Center." After a short pause, the victim is then redirected to an external server, which presents a fake PayPal Member log-In page. At this crucial point, the victim may be off guard, as the domain name and SSL certificate he saw previously are likely to make him realise he has visited the genuine PayPal web site – and why would he expect PayPal to redirect him to a fraudulent web site?
bottom line is same as always:
if you get an email or webpage that says anything about your account being disabled for some reason, or requiring you to visit some special resolution center.
this is good advice for any financial service. If you want to find what is up, go log in their normal site. only then should you trust any messages.