oops... typo. you should set it to
Loop, %Directory%\*, 1, 0
if you'd like it to behave like mentioned.
It's not a complete script because it doesn't prompt for anything (which makes it unuseful to compile), and i also noticed that it might not move one file it should. see the following tree:
Directory one
Directory two
Directory three
file two
file one
In this tree, file two is the only file on directory three, so, it's moved to directory two. but then, there are 2 files at directory two, which means they won't be moved to directory one, when they should be since originally there was only one file in each directory.
See what i mean?
Other than that, it's a pretty complete script

As for messages not displaying, might be because there's yet another typo. where is
Messages = true
should be
Messages := true