I'm using Syncthing to sync photos of two Android phones to a Synology NAS. What wasn't working for you Deozaan?
It has been long enough that I don't remember. I think things just wouldn't sync.
I've kind of just given up on rooting/backups/syncing anything from my tablet as it's become too much of a hassle dealing with all the time, especially now that Android is doing more frequent security updates. For some reason rooting makes it so the OTA updates don't work, and the last several times I've tried manually flashing, I just get stuck on the boot animation and I end up having to completely wipe the device to get the flash to take.
This adds extra hassle because I generally have multiple user accounts on my device, and setting everything up again after a fresh wipe is just too much, too often.
So BitTorrent Sync 1.x is still working great on my PC and on my Galaxy Nexus (which is nearly 5 years old, painfully slow, and still running 4.3 KitKat). But for my tablet I've kind of given up on all that.