Mmmhh, I just wrote in
this thread before I saw your post:
"I think Windows will gain ground in the tablet and phone market big times. Maybe we'll get a deja vu of the netbook development: The first ones came out with a specially adapted Linux distro, then Windows seriously started entering the game and within a short time you could barely even find the Linux ones. We'll see...
People report good things about the Win 8.1 on tablets though, and I think Win 10 will clinch the deal and Android's dominance will abate a bit. MS gives out the Win 8.1 Bing for tablets version almost free, so there is no more cost advantage for Android, but you'll get a task centered highly usable Win operating system with nearly seamless usability from desktop PC to notebook to tablet to phone.
I think it may work out for MS that way ...
(and I am writing this even though I am a big fan of Android)
Now the small investment with which one can obtain Android apps could work against it: My 100+ Dollar investment in apps versus the 10,000+ $ investment in software in the last thirty years won't be too much of an incentive to stay with Android (but it would be a strong discouragement to change to anything Apple)."
Now let's just hope that MS doesn't muck up this thing by continuing their privacy violation policy.
Then Windows 10 could become a usable cross hardware platform OS which people can trust and use on any device with a minimal learning curve.