I have been using my low resolution 640 x 480? LifeCam Webcam to get images directly into Screenshot Captor. I have been very pleased with the results. I have just received a LifeCam Studio Webcam I purchased from Ebay to get High Definition Images (1280 x 720) into Screenshot Captor from a WebCam.
However, no mater what I have tried to do so far, when I grab an Image using Screen Capture from the New Webcam it ends up being only 640 x ??? pixels in size. I have tried opening up the LifeCam software, setting the Resolution to 1280 x 720, closing the LifeCam software, opening up Screenshot Captor and then garbing a webcam image. The Image imputed to Screenshot captor is still Low Resolution.
How do I capture a High Resolution Image from my new WebCam with Screenshot captor?
Also, LifeCam Studio can take 1920 x 1040 high resolution images using the snapshot mode. Is there a way to take these high resolution snapshots directly from Screenshoot Captor?
Below is a quick description of my application of Screenshot Captor and the High Def Webcam.
I have an Excel Macro controlled spreadsheet I use to input a lot of information for an Item. In a Dialog box I have a "SNAP" button. When I click on this Button, Excel opens up Screenshot Capture, grabs an Image of the Item using Screenshot Captor, Has Screenshot Captor automatically Rotate the image to be perpendicular and store the image with an appropriate name close Screenshot Captor and return control to Excel. I use Autohotkeys as the glue between Excel and Screenshot Captor.
Thanks Much