UPDATE: Major problems with this app. See this post below.Just saw a reference to this over on Distrowatch.
Looks like somebody coded a personal firewall (
Douane) that is "application aware." First time something goes to connect to the web, it affords you the opportunity to allow or deny it. Your answer then becomes a rule that's stored for future use.
NIX: Douane - An application aware personal firewallThere's also a control panel that allows you to start and stop the firewall plus enable/disable/delete rules you've already created. This is very similar to how a Windows firewall called ZoneAlarm used to behave. Very convenient for a newbie user. It's also occasionally eye-opening when you see just
which apps are seeking web access. And when.
NIX: Douane - An application aware personal firewallVery handy IMO.
Douane is not in any repo so far. And the only semi-packaged version seems to be for Arch. Everybody else gets to "Git" and compile it. Not a big challenge as the devs published a
very detailed
page with all the steps necessary. Even a novice should be able to do it.
Lack of a distro specific package isn't an issue for me. And I have no problem doing a compile. But my concern is that part of the installation process creates and installs a DKMS
kernal module. This makes perfect sense for an app like a firewall. But I'm a little leery of allowing that when I don't know much about the app or its developers.
Especially when it's a security app and includes a DKMS module which will auto-recompile when/if a new kernal gets installed. (Note: that last concern isn't valid - see mwb1100's post below.) Because what's benign and on the 'up & up' today may not be tomorrow.
So. Anybody have any direct experience or heard more about this thing or the folks behind it?