Yeah, an impulse buy, not something I usually do with games/software, and for good reason.
@app - Ain't it the truth?
I recently bought
Kentucky Route Zero (Season Pass) for the same reason. The story concept was intriguing. The design and artwork are quite beautiful and evocative IMHO. Possibly some of the best I've ever seen. And their non-spoiler sample download impressed me to no end.
I've been through the first part of what is promised to be a 5-part story. You get parts 1 through 3 with parts 4 and 5 promised for later release this year.
This is one of those situations where I really
really want to like this thing. Hopefully it will pick up a bit as it goes forward. Because right now I'm getting a sinking sensation there may be less here than originally appeared. Or promised... (More on that shortly.)
There's a lot of odd and unnatural conversations that seem to go nowhere, and which the characters engage in for no obvious reason. People do not, in my experience, respond to an innocuous question about where a certain highway goes by immediately launching into a philosophical speculation about the region and their family's history. With luck, it will all find it's place into the story later on. But I'm worried this will become yet another case of a writer creating
deliberately obscure passages in the hopes they will be mistaken for being profound.
Another niggle...
Right now there's some concern in the gaming community about the last two instalments. Both had been promised for release "later this year." AFAIK, there hasn't been anything said about a definite release date yet. And we're almost out of days for "this year." Which raises the possibility (KRZ being an indy game) that they either won't be delivered - or they'll be rushed out just to get them completed. And if that's the case, we may be better off not seeing them at all.
Anyway...I own it. I'm playing it. And I remain hopeful.
I also resolve this will be my absolute last impulse game buy. And this time -
I really mean it.