Wow - this is a very interesting web site.
Apologies if I'm doing this wrong. But I was sent here per a suggestion in Windows Seven Forums - see
LINK - How to do shortcut bat files to choose next login OS - dual boot 7 - 8If you read that link, you'll see I have set up a Dell PC to be dual-boot between Win 7 Pro 64-bit and Win 8 Pro 64-bit. Many of you here will appreciate that it's very clunky to REBOOT into the desired OS - many steps in each case. I thought it would be great to have TWO shortcut or bat files (or similar) on each desktop. One would reboot into Win 7 and the other would reboot into Win 8. (That's four bat files total, folks, two for the Win 7 desktop and two for the Win 8 desktop.)
Two good reasons for this: First, would be easy and fast for anyone. Second, I frequently remote into this home PC from work, and I know I will need to reboot remotely and with confidence from time to time.
Right now, to do this manually, there are two routes I know of, and maybe one of them is good for the bat files I have in mind:
A) ► Right-click on the desktop icon "Computer" and select Properties - this brings you to System - click Advanced System Settings - Startup and Recovery - Settings - System Startup - Default Operating System - [select which one and short time to display list of operating systems] - OK - manual Restart
B) ► Run [Windows+R] - msconfig - Boot - [select the OS] - maybe check No GUI boot - Apply* - OK - a Restart prompt comes up and hit Restart
* But "Apply" is dicey - it's greyed out unless I toggle something on and off.
Well, what do you all think?One further thought. I actually have a bat file on my old single-boot XP desktop that restarts the machine securely after a short delay (which lets me close my remote app before the rebooting actually starts). Its only line is
shutdown -r -f -t 20It's good because it has the -f force all applications to close and it has the -t 20 which gives me 20 seconds to close my remote app before the reboot starts. And instead of a bat file, this could be a shortcut that "points" to a very similar line, like
%windir%\system32\shutdown.exe -r -f -t 20Ideally, your new desktop bat or shortcut files for my more complicated Win 7+Win 8 dual boot PC will have similar features. But please don't get hung up on those right away - want to see what the reboot into target OS will look like even without those features.
Many thanks !!!