I'll stop using the word search, since I may be giving the wrong impression.
In either case you asked about, stuff isn't being found.
Assuming what you call the 'search list' is the list of folders under Search Folders tab, you know that my user's start menu is automatically added at installation, so if I understood your question, that covers:
1) C:\Documents and Settings\Jacob\Menu Démarrer
However, I did try manually adding:
2) C:\Documents and Settings\Jacob
That didn't work either - still nothing was being found by FARR in directory 1) or its subdirectories.
Some context that may help you reproduce the bug. After installing FARR 2 weeks ago, everything worked fine; at that point I wasn't using Hebrew for special characters. It was only this week that I selected Hebrew in the Advanced tab in Control Panel > Region and Language Settings (I'm translating from French, the cpl applet may actually differ in English). That's what exposed this issue.