It's a tough call, because on the desktop space we've gone "anti-tablet" ... aka just because of limits of tech, remember the old 19" ish monitor days? So people built stuff with that in mind.
Now screens have not just gotten bigger overall, but specifically they've changed dimensions. In about 2006 as a "screw you" to my old employer for being "penny wise pound foolish", I bought *my own* monitor, out of that year's birthday money, and plunked it on my desk, and said, (paraphrased for drama) "Hai. You couldn't be bothered. So there are many monitors but this one is mine. I'm going back to work now. And the time I save doing what I always used to leaves me Google's 20% left to scout deep and fix $hit so when you want to through some faux mgt emergency at me, I have a couple tricks up my sleeve. K Thx Bye."
When it finally died last month, my brother remarked that it was only a "hybrid" widescreen - my new one has traded an inch of height for an inch of width (or whatever still comes out to 24" diagonally.) A couple of my (non-work) flows suffered, other ones gained, I adapted. (Hello Borg!)
So then suddenly, and ya gotta credit Steve Jobs for PWNing the smartphone concept-space, phones went from useless pieces of crap to "Omg I used to hate phones worse than root canals but even I can enjoy a calculator, and the fact it doesn't auto-dial from my pocket once a week!"
Then of course, way too much power for a phone showed up, so then we got Tablets - Yay Phone, Minus Phone, Bigger Screen. But still locked down to all hell. (Then this Phablet mess. When you can't Innovate cap-I, and that was what both i-Phone and Android did, you search for innovate small i, which is fill in nooks and crannies. As long as revenues exceed costs, you win.)
Ever seen the mobile sites of various pages? What a disaster. Now we have Touch to worry about. If Tablet makers just let you plug in a mouse, you would be ... sorta ... fine. But Steve J, in a fairly canny move for the masses, made it touch-only.
Wait for it ... Smaller screen, Huge mouse (finger).
So my first thought experiment is a meta-program that sez, (Sorry, Cat-speak attack for a day or two) "Hai. You look like you are accessing a menu. That means you're not working. So let's make the menu ultra sized, so you can click your buttons. Then when you are done, we'll go back to normal so you can see your work. K Thx Bye."