Assuming you downloaded the program from this website, it's definitely a false positive.
I don't remember Sophos endpoint doing this before, but it is definitely a false positive (the antivirus program is wrong). More info about this here:
https://www.donation...earch=false+positiveYou are right to treat such warnings seriously of course -- however never trust an antivirus program to be correct. The thing to do in this case is check out an antivirus site that will check multiple antivirus engines. I recommend VirusTotal:
I have just uploaded and scanned ScreenshotCaptor 4.8.5 with virustotal and it reports that all 55 antivirus engines, INCLUDING Sophos antivirus finds it clean and safe (see here:
So i guess one question would be, why is your sophos endpoint flagging it, but the sophos used by Virustotal is not? If you downloaded ScreenshotCaptor from another site, you might want to compare it with our official version.