During last weeks I have spent bitter moments with conduit.
I run for help to antivirus forums but some of these forums only give instructions and don't ear . You must follow a set of steps and nothing more.
I have follow the set of steps and one time and another too get again the conduit virus.
But I observ yesterday a modification may help me.
A friend of mine calls me on saturday to solve a problem with the digital sign. I spent the day with him navigating without problems because the last very day i have cleaned the pc. No problem at all.
In the last weeks I have visited to research the public library in my city (Santa Cruz de Tenerife) . After the house friend visit i come back to the public library and observ when launch the chrome browser the pc stressing and the url of conduit appearing.
The public library have a static IP, and my friend obviosly not (dynamic IP)
So I suspect the public library is suffering IP attacks because is more easy to attack a pc when you know the IP.
Really I don't know much about this, so I would like to know :
1. is it possible ?
2. What can i do to protect myself if I have no control in the library ?
3. Any software measure to protect my pc against these supposed indirect attacks ?
Best Regards