So, given that you really want to keep a misleading thread title, let me get into the contents then:
How is it "good news" that a Windows binary (Pipelight) which can access Windows plug-ins can run on Wine "now"?
I think you might possibly lack sufficient familiarity with
colloquial American-English usage and vocabulary such that I suspect you tend to misinterpret - and sometimes read
far more into what is being said - than what is
actually being said. As a result you can occasionally come across as being rather hostile and pedantic. Which I'd like to think is not your actual intent.
About the best I can suggest is to keep in mind that American-English is a very fluid and flexible language. It does not have, nor seek to duplicate, the level of grammatical precision some languages employ. It is also very
context sensitive - which is a fancy way of saying grammatical rules (and sometimes actual words) are themselves less important than understanding the context in which something is being said. That's a tricky thing to manage. And it does lead to some major misunderstandings from time to time - even among native speakers. But that's the way the language works here.
So if you don't mind, I'll leave my OP as is. I doubt it's a causing concern or confusion to many (if any) of the other readers. And while I now understand what you're saying (and thanks for elaborating) and I can now see the point you're trying to make, in the
context of the post itself, it's somewhat hair-splitting and slightly OT.
Of course, that may depend on how you interpret the title of this discussion board. You seem to be taking it to mean a place to discuss
non-Windows software. The rest of us see it as a place to discuss software that does not
require Windows be the OS in order to run it. As Mouser put in the keystone post:
I thought we might try adding a new section of the forum specifically for discussion of non-Windows software (and hardware), so here it is!
I know we have lots of people on DC that love linux, embedded hardware like Raspberry Pi, mac, android and ios, and it's probably time we had a special section for such discussions. It would also be a good place to discuss cross-platform software, and may also be a good place to discuss non-windows related hardware.
Don't be shy about posting here -- it may take a little while for this section to reach critical mass.
I hope this helps you better understand where
I'm coming from, and why I don't feel the need to either change the original post or drop *NIX from its title.
If that's not acceptable to you, then I'm afraid we'll just have to "agree to disagree" on this point, since this side-discussion can only start going in circles if it continues much longer.