Been a bit busy, so still need to get the VM & accounts & Kindle running... But I'll get to that!

this batch of ginger ale, I've been much more patient and methodical (using the fermenter), and it's gurgling away very nicely after almost a week and gurgles every 5 seconds or so.
But... it is testing my patience... I'm dying to try it...
Heck, I can't keep away from my last batch of beer. It's bottled, and primed for secondary fermentation, but I've still pilfered 3 bottles so far, and it's still very nice. Even at room temperature.
I HATE warm beer. Or rather, I hate stuff like warm MGD or Bud or Molson Canadian or Labatt's Blue... They're horrid warm. This? It's actually nice warm. It's a brownish red, lightly carbonated (because it's still too early), but very drinkable. It's actually much nicer than the commercial stuff I buy.
I've got a packet of ale yeast still, and wondering what I can do with that, but I've only got so many bottles, and I'll run out once I bottle the ginger ale.
I saw strawberries on sale... oh my... strawberry beer! So many possibilities!