I'm developing a new javascript web application (
RegexTidy) and I've run into some strange behavior on IE10. When certain text is pasted into an HTML TEXTAREA textbox, IE (when running in compatibility mode) mysteriously and randomly - (about half the time) changes the text by making a lowercase "i" to be uppercase. I've boiled the problem down to a simple test case which reproduces the problem. Here's the simple code:
<head><title>Test IE10 paste bug 20140616</title></head>
<body><h1>Test IE10 paste bug 20140616</h1>
<h2>How to reproduce the bug:</h2>
<ol> <li>Turn on compatibility mode.</li>
<li>Select the full contents of the textbox below (two lines).</li>
<li>Copy the contents of the textbox below into the Windows clipboard.</li>
<li>Delete the contents of the textbox.</li>
<li>Paste the clipboard contents back into the textbox.</li>
<li>The lowercase "i" at the end will mysteriously (and randomly) be
capitalized to "I" (about half the time).</li>
I've posted this page to my personal website here:
Test IE10 paste bug 20140616.
Can any of you guys reproduce this bug?
Note that I'm running Win7Pro and get this under
IE 10.0.17 IE 10.0.9200.16921. Note also that I rarely run IE, (I'm mostly an Opera man) - but my new app must work well in all browsers, thus I must walk bravely through the valley of EYE-EEE.
Would you guys be so kind as to report your results (along with your specific Windows and IE version)?
I'm curious if this happens in IE7, 8 or 11 as well (I currently only have access to IE5.5, 6, 9 and 10).
Thanks for any help with this!
p.s. I've opened a new question on MS's website - See:
IE10 BUG: clipboard data modified when pasted into TEXTAREA but don't hold out much hope of getting a good answer there.
Edit: 2014-06-16 12pm MDT Corrected the IE version number - (upon closer inspection, IE's About page shows the
Update Versions to be 10.0.17).