It is really nice to know something about people who post on the forum.
Can everyone consider filling at least a few details about themseleves as part of their user profile.
To do this click the "Profile and Membership" button on the toolbar at the top of the page and then on the left click on "Forum Profile Information".
Feel free to fill in what you want, but it would be really useful to know:
- if people are male or female (you can't always tell with nicknames)! Currently the forum stats say there a 9 males for every female on the site and I am pretty sure this isn't true. I think the forum software assumes you are male unless you say otherwise
- your location. I realise that some people like to remain relatively anonymous but you can be as general as you like in your location, but it is sometimes useful if you are answering a question to know if the answer you are giving is relevant.
If you haven't set up an avatar please do. You can use any small JPG or GIF image of your own, or there are a selection of ready to use avatars.
You can also add a link to your website if you have one, and a signature for your forum posts (which can include BBCode to add images and URLs)