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Author Topic: Add functions to make CHS a link between Dragon Naturally Speaking and an EMR  (Read 4140 times)


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I would like to have functions added to CHS to make it a more powerful and more marketable program, as a link between  Dragon Naturally Speaking and an EMR. 

I am in radiology and have used several radiology voice recognition systems including MedSpeak,  Powerscribe v5, Powerscribe 360, Dragon version10, Dragon version 11, and Dragon Medical 10 at different  sites in the past or currently. Dragon Medical is expensive and Powerscribe is very expensive.  These  features will make CHS a information entry bridge to a EMR (electronic medical record). Powerscribe has  full connection to the EMR and has many of these features.  Dragon Medical and Dragon do not.  If  you can add these feature, you will  have a new set of customers for this product. I will mark my suggestions with a ***

One site I cover has Dragon Medical which does not have a full pledged interface for a EMR.

In this EMR, I will sometimes 1) copy a text into the Dragon Box to edit then tranfer back into EMR and sign  off. Other times, 2) I will use a multiclipboard program (Spartan Multiclipboard is what I have been using  for years) to paste a predictated template for a report into WordPad, edit it with Dragon, then paste it the EMR and  sign off.

I tried using CHS today to replace the WordPad to see how it worked. 1) I can copy text I need to edit in the EMR and it  goes to the New folder in CHS. I can then edit it and return it to the EMR. The New folder gets very  cluttered. ***It would be good to have another hotkey such as Ctrl+Shift+C to copy text to a specific  folder such as CT New, Ctrl+Shift+Z to another folder such as Ultrasound New, etc.

2) I can get clips to use a templates to a set folder such as CT Templates, but ***it would be good to  have to option to protect it against accidental editing and another option to protect it against  accidental deletion. You can drag and drop clips in CHS, but you need to be able to send a copy of this clip  into the CT New folder where I can edit it. Yankee Clipper X can do this and ClipMagic has a kind of  workaround where you can do this.  I decided to use CHS over these two other programs because it does not need to be installed and the default font in Yankee Clipper X cannot be enlarged so it is hard to read.

In Dragon Medical and Powerscribe, fields can be set up with default text which can be replaced. One  common delimeter are square brackets but Dragon Medical lets you change it to another character if you  like. For example, a patient history may include Blood Pressure: [ ], Respiratory: [No chest pain.] [No  shortness of breath], or a radiology report may include Spleen: [Not enlarged.]  Pancreas: [Normal.]
It would be good to have keyboard shorcuts (which can be mapped to a USB microphone or mouse with programmable  buttons) to go to the next field or previous field. When you type or dictate with Dragon, it replaces the  brackets and default word between the brackets.  When you are finished, in Dragon you can say "Accept  defaults" and the brackets/delimeters are removed.
*** If you could set up such fields, *** have hotkeys to move to the next field or previous field, ***  have a button/hotkey to remove the unused brackets/delimeters at the end before pasting to the EMR.

This would be also useful for data entry such as Last name: [ ], First name: [ ], Phone: [ ], Date of birth: [  ], etc.

PowerScribe 360 has a much more powerful field system. When you tab to a field, you can also set up  commonly used choices which shows up in a side window, such as Liver: [The liver is normal].  You  can tab to it field and select from choices you have made such as "The liver is unremarkable without IV contrast", "Evaluation of the liver is limited secondary to motion artifact.", "There is fatty infiltration of the liver.". But I am sure the programming is much more complex.

With the highlighting, it would be good to be able to ***customize choices and choose it with a button click and  have different choices of colors. Such as "left". I want to make "left as a highlight choice that I can  choose by clicking a button on the header bar. But you should be able to customize this to red and have a  separate button for "right" in yellow to check for left/right discrepancy in the report.  When I dictate,  Dragon sometimes puts in "ovary" for "thyroid" so want to be able to have a button to quickly check for ovary in a  report.

With busy, high volume work, it is good to be able to customize the workspace/menus as much as possible to  reduce the number of mouse clicks.

I also like the fact that your program does not need to be installed and can be run as a standalone program.  I will probably only use the program at one site, but in the future, there may be another site I use it at where I cannot install programs.


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It would be good to have another hotkey such as Ctrl+Shift+C to copy text to a specific  folder such as CT New, Ctrl+Shift+Z to another folder such as Ultrasound New, etc.

this does sound useful.. but a bit tricky.

as an alternative, one idea i had was to let user easily change what group to send new clips to, and i could let the user customize hotkeys to switch between groups.  so you wouldnt have a hotkey to copy a new clip into a group, but rather hotkeys to switch which group subsequent clips go into.

I didn't follow the other requests.