I have been experimenting some more with this and I noticed H+S already has this copytoclipboard-delay-pastefromclipboard functionality, but it only works with the "R - Time/Date Textclips" function on the H+S Systray pop-up.
If I click on the "R - Time/Date Textclips" in the H+S pop-up list, there is a delay of 2 seconds... then I hear the "paste" sound wav file (set in View >> Options >> Interface Options) and it automatically pastes the selected Date/Time at the cursor position in whatever application has focus. However, if I select anything in the top of the H+S pop-up list, the "paste sound" wav file plays immediately indicating it has pasted, but because there was no delay the focus could not be changed to the target application.
It seems if the Time/Date paste function could be delayed, the clips would have the delay function too.
Does everyone have this same experience with H+S?