If you are the kind of coder who likes to jump right into making stuff that will actually be used for real, and you want to help out this site, this is the place!
We will post here things that we would actually like to add to the DonationCoder.com site and forum, for those that want to give something back and write real code that we can use here.
Almost all web scripting for donationcoder.com is done with php and we will want to keep with that.
Also we use the smf (
www.simplemachines.org) forum, and forum integration is a big issue with us - so getting familiar with that might be a good first step.
If you need a test account with access to a simplemachines.org forum we can provide that for people serious in tackling some of this work.
We will be giving out some serious prizes for users who write code we actually use.
We also invite people to post new ideas in this section for discussion and debate