quote: Dear Reader, Thank you for subscribing to Agnitum Directions.
In this issue we inform you of a new product update — version 9.1, and announce our decision to cease support of Outpost product versions older than 8.0. The deadline is May 1, 2014. Besides, check out
our new VB100 award on Windows 8.1!
Read on to learn more about your options.
Agnitum’s Outpost 9.1 security software enables users to formulate their own definition of malware!
We are glad to announce the availability of a version update, Outpost 9.1.
Version 9.1 specifically targets potentially unwanted applications and lets the user adjust detection criteria, so that a favorite toolbar or password recovery tool doesn’t end up in trash.
What’s new in version 9.1?
Specific targeting of Potentially Unwanted Applications (PUA)
With the new update, Outpost 9.1 optimizes dramatically the detection of potentially unwanted applications PUA. (A PUA may contain adware and spyware, install third-party toolbars or dialers, or have any other unclear objectives.)
New search categories for malware and PUA
These days it’s hard to draw the line between good and evil for each and every user, so Agnitum engineers have introduced flexible antivirus search settings to address individual preferences.
The user may choose whether Outpost should detect:- Adware and other "gray" programs (grayware)
- Cracks, keygens and similar software (unwanted software)
- Commercial keyloggers, password recovery tools (riskware)
For the full list of improvements, consult Agnitum’s website:
http://www.agnitum.c...ty-suite/history.php /quote.