Hello, I've a large music collection which I used to be very anal about keeping in check
however a couple of months ago I lost my hard disk collection and had the recover the files from my Nomad Zen (which I then promptly lost but thats another story). I had painstakingly setup all the artist tags when copying the music to my Zen initially and when copying the music back off to the computer it neatly organized files into folders according to artists names.
Since then I been using the excellent
musikCube and have been slowly but gradually been correcting album titles, genres, etc. Now I'm wondering is there an easy way to replicate the organization of the tags in the folder structure. For example if a program could look at a file and organize it such as <root folder>\<artist>\<album>\<artist>-<title>.mp3 but ideally this would be customizable.
Ideally this organization would be "in place" such that two copies of the files wouldn't be created but this is not a necessity. Also a level of robustness would be nice such that if a file doesn't have an album tag then it would be placed as follows <root folder>\<artist>\<artist>-<title>.mp3
Anyone know of a program which does this? I could probably write it myself if I knew a neat way of reading the tag information.