Readme for Browser Bunch v.
Install: Unzip to an empty folder
Remove: Delete folder made above
Usage: BrowserBunch
Displays About Box with usage info
Usage: BrowserBunch /setup
Use Setup Mode to assign multiple Browsers to Buttons
Usage: BrowserBunch UrlFile [ Filter ]
Browser Bunch reads UrlFile which should be plain
text with a web address per line. If Filter is not
specified, an InputBox will pop up. This makes it
easy to use via SendTo Folder or Windows 7 Jump List.
I recommend using a single word as a filter. For example
if you saved a bunch of Internet Movie Data Base search
Urls to a file, and only wanted to see the ones with
"wind" in the title (such as "gone with the wind" or
"windstruck") then use the word wind as Filter.
At this point a Gui pops up with 6 buttons. The left
most button is the "default" that will press if you
hit Enter. That should be the one with the browser
you use most. The buttons will be blank until you
associate a browser exe with the button. Pressing
a blank button brings up a File Open Dialog allowing
you to select the browser exe for that button. Then
the Urls will be opened with that browser. 6 Buttons
allows you to use up to 6 browsers. Should be enough
for most people.

The paths for the browser exes
will be saved to .ini file along with the button number.
When the Gui Window opens, the label will show the length
of the Command Tail (all the Urls are strung together with
spaces between and added to the browser command line) in
characters. Also it will tell you how many Tabs will be
Opened if you push a button. Press Esc key or use the
'x' close button of the window to abort launching the
browser. According to MS documentation, XP and later
should support a total command line size of 8191 characters.
Unless you are using very long search strings the issue of
concern would be the number of tabs openned, rather than
the command line length. Especially chrome or other browsers
that open a process for each tab, memory used and/or the browser
bogging down may be an issue. For these reasons the stats
are presented, giving you the chance to abort launch.
Needless to say the browser in question must be set to open
new links in Tabs. It also must support listing multiple
Urls on the command line. I've tried Chromium 20.x,
Opera 11.51, Firefox 9.01 and MaxThon Portable 3.0.
They all worked fine.