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Last post Author Topic: RightNote Pro 50% Off Thru January 31  (Read 31772 times)


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Re: RightNote Pro 50% Off Thru January 31
« Reply #25 on: January 27, 2014, 03:27 PM »
if I am capturing a webpage for a topic that I am researching I like to have it in the same program as the rest of my research notes.
This is a very valid point, and I've suffered in the past from having to have information scattered across several applications.  I still like to use LWA to locally archive things that really matter to me.

BTW, the Firefox extension Scrapbook captures webpages as well as Local Website Archive IMO. If RightNote cannot capture a page - which occurs a bit more than I expected - I just capture it with Scrapbook, click the notification link to open the page in another tab, and then use RightNote to capture the Scrapbook page. This is especially handy when the webpage is a receipt or anything else that requires a secure login. Most programs have difficulty logging in and capturing such pages while Scrapbook scrapes them up perfectly.
Nifty!  I suppose I'll have to look at Scrapbook  :)  On the occasions where RN hasn't captured a page because it's a secure login, I've used the clipboard method, i.e., mark the area I want in the usual way, then Clip to New Note: and Clip to Current Note: as appropriate.  You don't even need to press Ctrl+C, just whatever RN hotkeys you've defined.  I don't know whether this gives a more accurate rendition than your method, but it's been good enough for me so far.  It's also worth noting that Martin Aignesberger's flagship program WebSite-Watcher can itself log in to web sites, and can also pass pages to Local Website Archive.  I haven't tried this myself but it's in Help for my 2010 (10.5) Business Edition, and certainly RoboForm treats WSW like a browser.  Maybe similar functionality might be considered for a future iteration of RN, though it rather depends on how much Rael wants to make it a web-capture specialist.


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Re: RightNote Pro 50% Off Thru January 31
« Reply #26 on: January 27, 2014, 09:38 PM »
I see the difference. Similar to copy/pastes I've done in other programs. It's not a big thing but my at times OCD tendencies would have me trying to fix it to look the same. I've done it before.
If I want perfect verbatim copies of complete web pages, I would use Local Website Archive, which does that job well.  You might find the free-for-personal-use version adequate.  It looks like recent versions have more features than I realised, but, AFAICS, it's a whole-page-capture program, and doesn't intend to have all the features of a note-taker.
I think for the time being I'll stay with version 2 and keep saving my web pages in TreeProjects.
Does that mean that you prefer TreeProjects' web page capture to RightNote's, or, that having a TreeProjects license or not needing one, there's no point in upgrading RightNote?
Thanks for the link to Local Website Archive. I'll be checking it out.

On using TreeProjects for my web page saves, you hit both reasons. I do prefer it because it is easier for ME to use. I've done it enough times I am able to get the page into TreeProjects with just a few keystrokes. And like you mention, I have the license. It works for me so no real need to spend the extra money right now.

I do think RightNote is a good program. I'll probably continue to use my purchased version 2 for some of my needs. I just don't use Evernote enough to invest in version 3 yet.


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Re: RightNote Pro 50% Off Thru January 31
« Reply #27 on: January 27, 2014, 10:46 PM »
It's also worth noting that Martin Aignesberger's flagship program WebSite-Watcher can itself log in to web sites, and can also pass pages to Local Website Archive.  I haven't tried this myself but it's in Help for my 2010 (10.5) Business Edition, and certainly RoboForm treats WSW like a browser.  Maybe similar functionality might be considered for a future iteration of RN, though it rather depends on how much Rael wants to make it a web-capture specialist.

I had WSW for a couple of years and then WSW Pro for a couple more. However it got to the point where I wasn’t using it as much, plus a lot of what I wanted to capture wasn’t working too well. So when Martin changed WSW to subscription-based pricing I decided that it was too much for me to pay for something I wasn’t using that much. Also, for pages where I just wanted to monitor for pricing changes, some other services cropped up that work well and don’t cost me anything to use.

Thank you.



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Re: RightNote Pro 50% Off Thru January 31
« Reply #28 on: January 28, 2014, 02:39 PM »
when Martin changed WSW to subscription-based pricing I decided that it was too much for me to pay for something I wasn’t using that much. Also, for pages where I just wanted to monitor for pricing changes, some other services cropped up that work well and don’t cost me anything to use.
I bought my business license for WSW when I was using it at work, but since I'm no longer working, I can't really justify the cost of upgrading (though one day I might like to).  I'd be interested in alternative services, though; as this is going away from RN, please could you PM me?
