Last time I remember an uninstaller doing anything useful was early versions of Cleansweep... Looooong time ago
QuarterDeck. Now THERE was a company. (I tbhink I've still got an installation CD for CleanSweep, up in the attic. One day, it might be worth a few pennies. Or not.
I do too, just in case I install windows 98 somewhere again... or something
I have a big binder with almost all the CDs of software I used, with license codes. I alas threw away the OS/2 related ones a while back and an old Solaris (not really alas, it is clutter) and most floppies but I have a lot of old CDs and even my original 1996 wincommander floppy
I do throw away driver CDs though, once i dont have the hardware anymore, so I am not totally hopeless.
It's like a trip down memory lane. Ulead, Allaire, Macromedia, Starfish...