And I am happy to put a lid on it believe me. A lot of fooling around with message WM_DROPFILES when AutoIt can catch single files dropped on its own. But anyway, it probably buggy. I recommend using the Browse Buttons rather than drag & drop but either should work.
*** Recommendation : Set Power Options for Lid Close to DO NOTHING for both Battery and Plugged In ***
What it is supposed to do: Very simple, top input has the name of a file/shortcut/program that will be opened/run when the Laptop Lid is Opened, if checkbox is Checked. Likewise bottom input has the name of what will run when Laptop Lid is Closed, if checkbox is check. If Lock On Close is checked, the desktop will be locked when the lid is closed.
The file paths and the state of the checkboxes are stored in an .ini file in the same folder as the exe.
No check is made that the machine is indeed a Laptop.
Once you have it set up how you want to use it, then you should be able to create a shortcut for your Startup Folder and start it minimized. I can't think of a whole bunch of programs I want to start on lid open and close myself so probably the desktop lock will be most useful for those who don't want to lose the WiFi connection when closing the lid for a short time.
There's no readme as it should be pretty intuitive.