there was a recent heated argument on alt.comp.freeware about the definition of freeware and donationware, etc.
someone take a recorder outside and interview people on the corner about this issue!!'
(or do it in your office or school!)
just stop them and ask them to come up with their best definition for:
- freeware
- open source
- donationware
- shareware
- malware
- nagware
- registerware
- spyware
- adware
hopefully we will get some funny and informative answers.
be sure you start the segment with the traditional newscaster intro like "this is xxxx reporting live from xxx..."
we NEED such a segment for this weeks podcast. aim for 5-10 minutes in final length (record lots more and we can edit it down).
anyone who submits such audio that gets used on the podcast will get a good prize!
we need to find a star man-on-the-street interviewer for our podcasts.. could it be you?
Other questions you might ask:- whats the funniest thing that ever happened with you and a computer
- do you have computer anger management issues - how did you handle it?
- what's your earliest computer memory?
- what's your genius computer software or website idea that no one has implemented yet?
- what's the craziest idea for a computer program you can think of?