I would like to find a text editor where I can personalyze the background colour of the lines.
By example each four lines change the colour.
Best Regards.

1. Could 'greenbar paper' be a help? Free samples in PDF form are downloadable at
www.printablepaper.net/ . I don't know much about PDF. Greenbar has 1/2 inch wide rows that could be used to print 4 lines at 8 lines per inch.
2. Some have achieved a similar ability by using a transparent 'watermark' and entering text over it.
3. Others have used a scanned copy of a 'form', that might use 1/2 inch shaded bars. and using this as a graphic image for use under printing.
4. You could design, depending on the editor capabilities, a table with transparent lines and a background fill color of your choice for four rows, alternating with another plain four rows, etc.
5. WordPerfect can easily employ 'watermarks' for use as mentioned above. It also has a macro available that automates the process: greenbar.zip that I have not used.
6. 'Database Pro', my copy was about circa 2002, had the ability to design forms and enter text over shaded background areas.