It's workingggggggggggggggggggggg, it's workingggggg !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now the history :
Some time ago i ask in the forum to obtain the "titulars" from a search.
In the proof I have used the DuckDuckGo search engine.
In my pc and firefox browser the first line is the titular and the items found occupies three lines. So the next is the four. So I put
First Line 1 and every 3 lines after.....
As almost anyone in the forum i am obsessed with the software and how to do things. But obviously i have to found first what I want to do. Express the keys that I need. The language is complex. I use Goldmine - and have an special utility to do - for asking what I need. To remember what i did in the past.
Introduce all these patterns or search chains is boring. Very very boring, but neccesary if you have a lack of memory like me.
Ask the search engine for a method, a phrase, or anything give in the results many new keys useful to find an idea, a target.
And I want Contro Text Tool to do this.
After I use another special tool to introduce the registers in Goldmine
Obviously i take also the keys that usually appear in the google search engine to remember keys.