I've been in Miami since February-MilesAhead
Is it still warm down there? Because it's downright cold in central FL right now (I hate winter).
-Stoic Joker
During the day it tends to get above 70. But lately there's been a lot of wind. Thankfully not that much rain to go with it. I think I got one hour sleep last night total. The wind didn't quit until around 4:30 AM. Last Feb. there were a few days below freezing. I was hoping to get off the street before the really cold weather came back. Usually what gives you a leg up is meeting somebody who will help out with small favors. Let you leave your pack at their place at times, maybe take a shower there, use their address for driver's license etc.. I met a friend like that as she came out to walk dogs every day. Things were going along pretty well but then her roommate decided to kick her out and she had to go to Jacksonville to live with her mom until she got work.
Anyway, sorry to turn your question into an excuse for a soap opera.
edit: it's just frustrating because stuff that you can do in days or a couple of weeks, like straighten out your driver's license as example, if you have a permanent residence, can take months. A lot of these guys who go through the alcohol or drug programs don't end up driving a car. The social outfit buys them a bicycle!! An uncertain percentage of these guys become purse snatchers on wheels. You see them whizzing up and down the streets and sidewalks at 3:00 AM looking for people asleep with a backpack or shiny sneakers to swipe. Once they're on the bike you can't catch 'em.
edit2: I hate Winter too. I went to LA with a friend when I was 19 or so. He had family out there. We stayed a couple of weeks. I always wanted to get away from freezing temps of Boston to LA. But I figured FL wasn't a bad second choice. It has palm trees after all.
The first 20 years weren't so bad.