I have paid hosting. They give you web space, but no domain name. You have to supply your own. There is no URL to point anything to.
but what i really don't understand is the original dominion.
Because the tk is not really a dominion.
What is your actual web ?

Things have changed at .tk. You can now use their domain names just as you would a typical .com, by inserting the name server info given to you by your hosting company into .tk's configuration for your domain.
This is far better, as now people can bookmark and share the actual pages on your site, instead of the whole site loading in an iframe.
The way you are doing it, you only have example.tk, all pages are that iframe, and you can not have something like example.tk/downloads/page.html like the site I set up for Miles.
Take a look at one of my (unfinished) sites to see what I mean:
http://arussoprojects.tk/ Click around the site and look at the addressbar in your browser. Compare that to what you see on your site.