Conversions Plus (http://www.dataviz.c...onsplus/index.html)? I've no idea if it will do this, and you may have already given it a go but...
I finally got to use Conversion Plus on a friend's computer. I ran a number of tests covering a range of text, spreadsheet and database docs and it seems to work smoothly and handles foreign language materials well.
Some observations on Conversions Plus:
- by default it converts everything to Times Roman (i.e. no font output option).
- it will not open folders with symbols or "non-english" characters - you'll have to rename those folders using plain text. Example: "Br>!" has to be changed to "Br". This will catch you out the first time, since there is no warning from CP that it cannot open the folder.
- double quotation marks such as [ " hello " ] will often appear as [ _ hello' ]
- text formatting is approx 90% spot on - expect at llittle editing to tidy up errant tabs, indents etc.
- you'll need to manually insert the field headings in speadsheet & database docs
- doumentation is minimal. For more detail on Mac formats you'll have to go to MacDisk. They provide detailed information on nearly any Mac format you could think of, which you'll see listed here on their site map:
Basically DataViz Conversion Plus works - it's easy to use, handles batch processing and supports most of the commonly used MAC formats - so it gets my recommendation.