Thanks for your answer jgpaiva, i've noticed the FindAndRunRobot.ini file, however i don't feel confortable editing this file, and we never know, the structure could very well change, i think to keep FARR as robust as possible, it would be better to change specific text files (one per alias - and if results are not specified into the text box)
@mouser, i'm happy you find it an interesting idea, the idea of a larger plugin system sounds exciting !
An other idea, is to be able to specify "command line modifier" for specific extension, for example for people using AI Roboform (i'm sure you know mouser
One could use FARR to find the passcard, but to login you have to open the context menu and choose
Login (which is already a great feature !!)
But what about being able to specify that for .rfp files, FARR should use the following pattern to launch it:
Passcards.exe -l "C:\My RoboForm Data\Dave\Bank of AM.rfp" (-l being a command line argument to login, and not to edit the passcard)
it would be an extension of the alias system
you specify a file extension (or a folder, why simplify
and for that particular file extension you set a rule saying if you launch such a file
it does
Passcards.exe -l $$1
where $$1 is the file
I'm sure it would be usefull for many many other apps
Cheers, Nico
Keep up the good work mouser, you apps are so gooood