very nice article from december 2005. Linked to from recent article on youtube vs. google video (
scary because: these people talk about spending 13 million on marketing as no big deal, and talk about how small differences can result in failure or success.
side rant: this is part of what troubles me about this world - you need millions of marketing just to compete; without that no one will know about you and you will get buried by the competition ?
Now a little part of me is cringing as I write this. Having founded a bookmarking company in 1999 with pretty much the exact same vision as the new crop of services, I’ve got to feel, well, a little stupid. (or angry, or depressed, or whatever). Maybe writing about it will make me feel better and maybe even help me make a point or two about product development.
When we founded (no link love, it’s a crappy search site now) the founders and I imagined a self-reinforcing product cycle: