With LibreOffice and OpenOffice available for free forever, see no need to ever pay for an office suite except maybe MS if your needs dictate.
-Midnight Rambler
I'll go back to this for a minute.
Having glanced at the spirit of the LibreOffice split, OpenOffice is apparently on its way out.
But then even then it's a "two horse meta-race". There's MS from way back for all its reasons, and then for a long time what is now LibreOffice has been generally seen as the most steady contender on the free side.
For me it's not even really about the money - free is nice as long as you tap that angle, but eventually I might shell out for a copy of MS Office 2010 or something Just Because. Instead, it's about the details of the features and bugs and interoperability and use cases.
Let's do a couple of notes:
Switching away from IE to Firefox was pretty easy, and for better or worse I'm on Firefox for a long time to come.
Using LibreOffice on a home machine that never had MS Office has done okay so far, though I haven't tried to do any really fancy scripting practice etc. I've warned a couple of recruiters to watch for minor formatting glitches etc, but no catastrophes there yet.
But then it gets murkier. I haven't yet found any fatal flaws in LibreOffice that would lead me to keep galavanting around multiple office suites from these companies scrounging for the mindshare scraps. I get the spirit of it all - but my last brief foray there ended with Gnumeric beginning to fall fatally behind when it stopped being able to handle newer items from MS Office.
So I'll go look at it after this post as more of a "gee, this is a fun hour's entertainment" point of view, probably looking for holistic impressions on the GUI. But to me it feels a little dangerous to bounce back and forth at whim between office programs until some combination of quirks stacks up on your document until it finally breaks and then you don't know which one (or maybe just the anti-synergy!) broke it.
Edit: I just saw this part of the site promo:
"The first thing you’ll see when you open the newly released Kingsoft Office Suite Pro 2013 is a clean, new interface. The old features are still there along with 38 major improvements.
Two interfaces: 2013 and classical ones. Two color schemes for 2013 interface: elegant black and water blue."
So that gives me something to chew on, to see what they fiddled with for the two interfaces. Quick early wondering: Whether it's "Before and After Ribbon".
Also the site seems to say there's under 12 hours left, so if y'all wanna try it, don't dawdle!