Interesting because this just popped up to Slashdot:
" Does Anyone Make a Photo De-Duplicator For Linux? Something That Reads EXIF?
Posted by timothy on 05:32 PM January 23rd, 2014
from the which-ones-are-not-like-the-others? dept.
postbigbang writes "Imagine having thousands of images on disparate machines. many are dupes, even among the disparate machines. It's impossible to delete all the dupes manually and create a singular, accurate photo image base? Is there an app out there that can scan a file system, perhaps a target sub-folder system, and suck in the images-- WITHOUT creating duplicates? Perhaps by reading EXIF info or hashes? I have eleven file systems saved, and the task of eliminating dupes seems impossible."
http://linux.slashdo...hing-that-reads-exifFrom Renny's description:
"Lets you choose an "original" and "duplicate" folder to search in
Finds duplicates by file size, file signature (file hash), or photo signature (pixel data hash)
Lets you delete individual photos or many photos at once"
So while a couple of the Slashdot Poster's desired features may be missing, the pattern match was too good to ignore.

Heh "Monetization Opportunity"!