I bumped into a spot of weirdness earlier today.
I was running SSC from a thumbdrive, copied from another portable install. The latter is always G: so SSC gave me an error about not being able to find that drive to drop screenshots into. Recovered nicely: created a screenshots folder and suchlike and wrote the latter's address into the settings. Thing is, it set a drive letter on it. So I looked in the help for a useful current drive variable and didn't find anything, so I just deleted the E: and hoped that'd work.
I was documenting a delete and reinstall process at the time, and the final part of the delete process was a reboot.
On SSC's next start, it seemed to be looking at the correct folder, but it was empty. Odd. No matter; finish what I'm doing, worry about it later...
...so eventually, I'd discovered that the initial folder it had created was
and when I'd told it to use
it had created
instead of continuing to use the initially-created folder.
So... dear mouser, please can I have some portable-friendly variables I can use in path specs in SSC configs, please? (Or if there are some already, can they please have a prominent bit of the Help file so I can find them when I need them?)
Er, and although I hate to bring this up, I found this in the help:
"Miscelaneous Tips and Tricks"
Should, of course, be "Miscellaneous"