what's fascinating about this - and it backs up the spirit of dc too - is that people are responding generously to her generosity. Look at these stats from the site - nearly as many are paying higher than the set price as are accepting Jane's gifts, and the average price paid per track is higher than the fixed price, which must mean that those who are paying more than the fixed price are paying significantly more.
Pricing Statistics as of Apr 15 12:00 PM pst
% Accepting gift from Jane 17%
% Paid by determining price 37%
% Paying Later 46%
Avg Price Per Track $1.14
% Paid Below Suggested 8%
% Paid At Suggested 79%
% Paid Above Suggested 14%
It's interesting, also, that as you go through selecting tracks, it tells you how many people chose the same option as you for that track, and what has been the average price paid.