Now stressing out about what the latest health craze wants everyone to do more/less of ... That'll kill you.
-Stoic Joker
Personal current stressing is lager. I'm told that'll kill me, as well. But, considering all the warnings I've seen -
e.g. olive oil is bad, use corn oil, then canola oil, then, oh yeah, olive oil is good for ya! - over the years, I'm not too worried
To my mind, the health craze of the {day|year|decade|century} is just that - a craze. Most of 'em, like diets, work for a while, then die. So I'll take my chances with caffeine, alcohol, all the foods that are bad for me, all my other bad habits, crazes notwithstanding.
Thimk I'll go stress with another lager - then a cup of coffee when I awaken. I love stress
. G'night.