I came across references to PATH in the many things I read but forgot about it, I'll check it when I get back on that computer.
One thing that I found in much of what I read is that a lot of people give information about XP without taking into consideration the differences between Home and Pro.
In case it is of interest to anyone a lot of the most useful information I learned came from
Computer Hope, it was one of the first sites I ever bookmarked but have rarely used till now.
Thanks for the file, I have added it to the OFF batch file on 7 so it should work when I go offline, I will add it to the others later, much appreciated.
UPDATE:XP: Added path and modified files:
Internet_ON.bat@echo off
start "" "C:\Program Files\D4\D4.exe"
sleep 1
start "" "C:\Program Files\Sandboxie\SbieCtrl.exe"
sleep 1
start "" "C:\Program Files\PeerBlock\peerblock.exe"
sleep 3
devcon enable *DEV_001C*
Internet_OFF.bat@echo off
taskkill /F /IM peerblock.exe
taskkill /F /IM SbieCtrl.exe
taskkill /F /IM D4.exe
devcon disable *DEV_001C*
CleanTray: On 7 I could only get it to work by clicking on the EXE, when it was in the batch file the icons remained, in both cases it had changed the order of the icons the next time I ran the ON file.
I was using the 'start /d' command which works for the other programs.
On XP I had a similar problem, when I ran the EXE directly it removed the 3 icons, moved all the others to the left and I had three empty spaces at the right hand end of the System Tray, once again the next time I ran the ON file the icons appeared in a different order to before.