It's just a month since I finished the
first mosaic for my middle son (and now wife) and I've got the 3rd Son's done!
This one was quite different:The PhotoMosaic was an image of Nathanael and Monica that was made up of photos of their friends and family (that sounds familiar, right?).
In the end I had 1,645 photos to work with. The finished image was then colour separated into four separate images comprising the C, M, Y
& K layers and then each printed onto A1 transparent sheets. These four A1 transparent sheets were then cut into either 8 landscape tiles
or 9 portrait tiles, giving 34 tiles in total. These 34 tiles were then put into envelopes (with instructions) and compiled on the day by
the guests, in a slightly random order, giving a slightly random development of the final image: Cyan on Magenta creates a different
colour to Cyan on Yellow.
Confused? The printer was too, so I created this example to show the printer (and others) so they'd get the idea what I was planning:
If you want to read the story behind the mosaic, it's written up in this
blog post.
I put together an
actual time-lapse of the mosaic construction:
If you'd like to compare my mock-up with what really happened I did a shortened time-lapse of just the changes
The PhotoMosaic is up on my site as an
Interactive Mosaic as well.
Actually, I have a question for any web devs who might know: the Interactive bit is a thumbnail mouseover on an imagemap (through js) with an anchor link to fullsized image that's displayed in a fancybox pop-up. Works fine in Chrome and FireFox but IE (up to fails when clicking on the imagemap to open the image in fancybox. Love an idea or two to get me going... or an idea to work around it?