My list contains 600 items, ms will block after about 30 results.
I added a time.sleep(60) command in (and had to import time) to fool the (b i n g) search engine.
Each input line takes 60 seconds, it makes the script more human.....
So I don't have to enter lost of subselections (600=20x30 input items)

See both changes in the code below between the line with ======== on it
# imports we need
# include top level directory (needed to import from helper below)
import sys
import os
#201302 wjamoe added import time ===================================
import time
def DoSearch(self,id,label,search):
# this function does the main work -- take a search term
# return a list of results
results = []
#initialize result with engine name and id
baseresult = {"engine":self.get_searchenginename()}
if id!="":
if label!="":
# ok grab a web page using our search terms
content = self.SearchWebPageGrabContents(search)
# and now parse results
addresults = self.ParseWebPageContentIntoResults(search,content,baseresult)
#201302 wjamoe added delay of 60 seconds =============================
# add
# return
return results
The testrun for 2 items takes 120 seconds
