Dear Admins of Donation Coder (specifically for Skrommel),
I really love your "NoClose" coding snack, and would like to thank you for making it. It is really helpful, but I really need a program that will prevent a window from maximizing. I tried to make a program in C++ that did that, but it only worked when the window was in its normal state. I need the program to allow the window's maximizing button to be disabled even if the window is already maximized. I don't think it will be that difficult to do, because you can just copy the code from the "NoClose" app and change the part the disables closing to disable maximizing. Here's the only 2 things: It is really annoying when that window pops up when the app starts that gives a link to the DonationCoder website. If only you could make that appear when the "About" button is clicked. Also, your "BatteryRun" app uses a command-line option through CMD, and since I want this "NoMax" app to work on a batch file, I would really appreciate this to work on command-line. I think a good command-line command would be "NoMax <title of window goes here>"
Please include the AutoHotkey code. I am not trying to be a begger, by the way. This is not only needed for me, but my other friends who want the same program. Thank you very much for taking the time to read this and I really hope you also take the time to program it.
Your awesomest fan ever, Coding Prodigy. (I started coding at the age of 12)