Kaspersky Lab Identifies Operation “Red October,” an Advanced Cyber-Espionage Campaign Targeting Diplomatic and Government Institutions WorldwideAttackers Created Unique, Highly-Flexible Malware to Steal Data and Geopolitical Intelligence from Target Victims’ Computer Systems, Mobile Phones and Enterprise Network EquipmentToday Kaspersky Lab published a new research report which identified an elusive cyber-espionage campaign targeting diplomatic, governmental and scientific research organizations in several countries for at least five years. The primary focus of this campaign targets countries in Eastern Europe, former USSR Republics, and countries in Central Asia, although victims can be found everywhere, including Western Europe and North America. The main objective of the attackers was to gather sensitive documents from the compromised organizations, which included geopolitical intelligence, credentials to access classified computer systems, and data from personal mobile devices and network equipment.
What good are hacking laws if the worst culprits are governments?-Renegade (January 15, 2013, 07:47 PM)
Wow! What a surprise. Can you believe it? An actual government involved with something like that! -40hz (January 17, 2013, 08:19 AM)
It appears that the attackers behind the Red October cyberespionage campaign are taking their ball and going home. Since the attack came to light on Monday, the attackers have begun shutting down their infrastructure and the hosting providers and registrars involved with some of the command-and-control domains are shutting those down, as well.
^Makes sense they would. Now that it's been "painted" it would only be a matter of time before it ultimately got analyzed and tracked back home to mother. Especially the longer it stayed up.Like they said in the movie The Sting: If Lonigan puts the finger on you we gotta fold the con.Yup. Fold the tent and get the hell outta there. "Cover your tracks as best you may - and thus live to fight another day."These people have the tools and the talent. This isn't the last we'll be seeing of whoever was behind it. -40hz (January 21, 2013, 07:49 PM)