Well then, seeing that my previous version sucked...
I have written a newer version with HOTKEY support (LCTRL + F6)
and a popup inputbox...
this is inline with my original idea...
here's the workhorse bit, (there's other integration stuff around)
; ===BEGIN=== Additions by Vixay ===11/7/2006===
; Popup Question how many times
; or get value from .ini file,
;SYNTAX: InputBox, OutputVar [, Title, Prompt, HIDE, Width, Height, X, Y, Font, Timeout, Default]
InputBox, repeatnum, Repeat, Please enter the number of times to repeat (between 1 & 100).,,,,,,,,%repeatnum%
;Error check UserInput...
if repeatnum not between 1 and 100
MsgBox,0,Invalid Number,Invalid number given, aborting repeat playback.
;MsgBox,0,RepeatNum & UserInput, %repeatnum%`n%UserInput% ;For Debugging purposes
Loop %repeatnum%{
;DoOver Macro
sleep, 100
; ===END=== Additions by Vixay ===11/7/2006===
I've uploaded the new modified version.
However, the one above & this one implement the features differently, just be aware of that...
I have experienced a little problem with this version in that, the mouse doesn't jump exactly where its supposed to! (don't know why)... though exiting and reloading usually works...
BTW to use this version you have to delete your existing DOOver.ini or copy this script into a new folder...
hmmm... maybe i should rename the INI too? Ok give me a sec..... alright done... so this version and old doover can coexist...