OK, I've looked at this before, but w/o a definitive answer.
Just finished watching Starship Troopers, the first of a [so far] trilogy on film of R A Heinlein's book of the same name. It occurred to me that they - the film makers - always put the command pilot in the left seat. US film, US habits, I suppose, but the question is why?
I can understand the English/UK/Europe folk making the [wheeled vehicle] right side the command side, considering the history [and forms] of combat there. But why is it [I thimk] universal today than the command pilot sits in the left seat? I've tried to research this in the past, several times, but never derived a definitive answer.
So, anyone here have that definitive answer? Or even a clue or pointer as to the why?
I'm not gonna lose sleep over it - I hope! - but I'm damned curious.
(Edited for typos)