Well, much to my surprise...the brand new HP z420 workstation I got last week with a fresh install of Windows 8.1 just decided to up and forget how to drag and drop anything this morning. It was to the point that I couldn't even resize the columns in a ListView control. But a quick Bing brought up
this article which resolved the issue. The only interesting thing was that it took about 5min after making the changes for it to start working again - Damn strange me thinks - but it is working again.
Come to think of it, if the article goes away - don't you just hate when that happens - at some time in the future I'll summarize it here:
Open dcomcnfg from an administrative command prompt.
Component Services-->Computers-->My Computer [Right click] and select properties.
On the COM Security tab click Edit Defaults in the Access Permissions section (it's on top).
Note: If you are on a domain select local computer as location.
Grant Local Access permission to the SYSTEM and INTERACTIVE accounts.
Wait a minute or two and it should come back to life. Why the dramatic SciFi resurrection is necessary is beyond me but that's how it went down ... Or came back up rather.